... I have suffered four long years on Guild Council, and I can't tell you how excited I am to see it finally changing.
Council at the moment is an undemocratic mess. I have seen meetings that go on until one in the morning. I have seen meetings that last half an hour, where nothing is discussed.
We have over a hundred seats available to be democratically elected by school reps, but fewer than half are currently filled. We force over two hundred societies, residents associations, and minority associations to send reps, unelected and unaccountable. About half turn up.
We at present have half a House of Commons and a bloated House of Lords sitting side by side in the same chamber.
Now, finally, after months of hard work, research around the country, and unprecedented levels of consultation with hundreds of students from all walks of student life, we have something to replace this with.
We want more referenda on the most important issues that affect you.
We want themed open forums without the bureaucracy where ordinary students can tell us and debate what matters to them.
We want elected Guild Councillors, who are actually trained to represent and hold the Officer Team to account, and where they all actually read the motions before turning up.
We want fewer Guild Councillors, from all walks of student life, with clear constituencies and lines of accountability, so you know and can choose who represents you.
We want the Guild to become a democracy again.
Next week, for the first time in the Guild's ninety year history, you will have the chance to make that change. Vote yes in the referendum, and give the Guild back to students.
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