Tuesday, 25 August 2009

National tragedy, or what you always wanted?

50 000 potential students missed out on a place at University this year, despite having the necessary qualifications.

So why is the right-wing press so upset? They hate the target of 50% going to University! They want children to grow up to be plumbers and builders, not to study Micky Mouse courses and incur massive debts in doing so! Why does the press, which has for so long decried the need for people to go to University now mourn that so many are not getting in?

It's the same old story; it's because it's their kids and their reader's kids that may not be getting a place this year. The hypocrisy on the news stands is making me sick.


  1. As sick as the hypocrisy of the Labour government though?

  2. A hypocritical government for a hypocritical populace?

    To be fair you have more chance of going to uni now than at any other point in history. The fact that we're so upset about this drop in places is testament to the rise in aspirations and accessibility in recent years.

    Though to clarify, I firmly believe that anyone who is capable of and wants a place should get one.

  3. Well I can certainly see what you mean about the hypocrisy of newspapers but to be honest that comes as part and parcel of "right wing media". Perfect example: the Daily Mail.

    A MONTH ago they issue this article that shows a clear bias against working class students and in favour of middle-class students.

    Then this A few days later...

    And finally, just a few days ago after the results came out, they issue this "sympathetic" article
    ...could they even at least attempt try and mask the hypocrisy?

    My computer feels dirty after having visited their website (as well as the Sun and the Times); I'm going to defragment the hard drives.

    I think the best approach is to smile, nod and hum VERY loudly...and of course, accept that the right-wing media are appropriately named. They have always been hypocrites and probably always will be :)

  4. What makes me sick is that good people are missing out on University through no fault of their own. That genuinely upsets me.

    Government, press, recession, whatever. I just hate the idea that somebody tried to get into Uni and couldn't.


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