Monday, 26 October 2009


It's been longer than I realised since my last blog! What have I been up to?

I've been on annual leave to Rome. It was lovely.

I've been to and am preparing for a number of student College Misconduct hearings and complaint interviews.

I've been picking up casework from you left, right and centre. Keep it coming though!

I've been to University Learning and Teaching Committee, to discuss, well, learning and teaching strategy.

I've met with Library Services and got some great feedback there.

I've been chasing around after the Sociology Review trying to get some student consultation involved.

I've had dinner with Housing and Accomodation Services at my old haunt, the Vale Hub at Shakleton!

... and today I am largely in the office catching up on everything else.

Anything you think I should be doing or looking into?

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I love getting comments and suggestions and getting debates going- that's why the blog's here!

But if you want to be anonymous, please give yourself a random name rather than leaving it blank.

If you leave the field blank, you'll be listed as "Anonymous", and that makes debates impossible to follow- no fun for anyone.

So get naming! :)