Wednesday, 4 November 2009

School Quality Reviews

On Tuesday I spent all day sitting on the panel for a School Quality Review of the History and Cultures Department.

"What's that?" I hear you ask!

Well, a School Quality Review happens to every school in the University on a six or so yearly cycle. The school submits a self evaluation about everything they do, and a panel of academics, plus an external academic from another university and a Guild sabbatical office (normally myself, but I delegate when I don't have the time) goes in and questions them on the whole thing. For you sciencey and PhDy types, it's a bit like a viva.

It's a really interesting; you get to look at everything the school does to make sure their procedures are up to scratch. So we looked at things like admissions, welfare provision, quality assurance in teaching and learning, provision of learning resources, and pretty much everything else. We scrutinise everything, and make reccomendations for change and give commendations for good practice.

Just one of the many fun things I do...

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