Monday, 30 November 2009

In the last fortnight

  • I have attended one Fitness to Practice Hearing
  • One College Misconduct
  • One Appeal
  • Three member disciplinaries (I don't like doing these, please stop doing bad things all of you)
  • Met with Sociologists and MCS students three times
  • Answered and read God knows how many emails from them
  • Attended Senate and Council to represent said students and oversee the covernance of the University, both broadly and academically
  • Held five college Student Rep Forums, where Student Reps tell me everything that's going on in their worlds and I ask for feedback on what my priorities should be and get them to feed into what I'm doing
  • Attended Educational Enhancenent Group, which is a Uni committee of a fairly self explanatory nature, and am now on a sub group looking at improving module evaluation
  • All the other little things that I do inbetween, like attend Sabbatical Officer Group meetings, read for the above meetings, negotiate with the Uni and listen and answer the queries of numerous students.
  • Seen the Guild Musical Theatre Group production of Sweeny Todd and had to be told it's not a true story, despite its magnificance (well done guys)
  • Drunk the new Real Ale in the Guild! A welcome return, yum yum!
So... any questions? :)


  1. No questions - but a comment on module evaluation,

    the forms desperately need to be changed, they use the same rating system for all the questions. But sometimes 5 is the best answer, sometimes 1 is the best answer and sometimes 3 is the best answer you can give.

    It makes it very difficult to objectively evaluate modules - also for modules that are two semesters long they ask questions about content which are difficult to answer because you haven't covered it all yet and especially for social sciences one half tends to be quite theoretical and the other more applied.

    I appreciate there needs to be halfway evaluation point, because lecturers sometimes only teach first/second half of the module - but it should not be the same sheet at the halfway point as the end of the year.

    We should also get to feedback on assessments - how they were weighted - when the deadlines were, what the questions were like etc...

  2. I would rather eat beans than shag a spice girl.

    Depressed of Kent.

  3. Cheers for the comments Nick, it's useful to know I'm on the right track with this! Apologies for the sporadic nature of my blogging this year, it's one of my new years resolutions to fix this...


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